Young Professional Package

This package includes six different services in support of your job search. Following an initial 30 minute meeting to strategize and discuss your career goals, you will schedule each of the five sessions based on your timeline and schedule. You can also schedule additional coaching sessions, based on your individual needs.

1) Career Exploration

We will discuss your interests and explore different types of positions and the tools you may need for career exploration.

2) Networking & LinkedIn

Networking can be a challenge, especially if you’re not familiar with the current tools in use. We’ll start with LinkedIn profile creation and review, and I’ll help you identify and reach out to individuals to connect or request informational interviews.

3) Resume Review

If you feel like you’ve already got a strong resume, but aren’t getting calls, this might be right for you. We’ll review your resume together and I’ll make specific suggestions and provide instruction on changes you can make to catch a recruiter’s eye.

4) Job Search

I will show you how to efficiently review job posting to determine your fit. We will look through job boards together to identify positions of interest and match those with your qualifications.

5) Cover Letter Creation

Please bring the job posting you will be using the cover letter for. I will tailor the letter to the position to give you the best chance of being considered for the opportunity. We will discuss why you are excited about the position and the company or organization, and why your skills and experience are a good fit.

6) General Interview Consultation

We will discuss common interview questions and you can get feedback on your answers. We’ll also review what to expect and general interview preparation tips.